Friday, February 10

don't count on me, just count me out

A few pictures I took from the past week. Except the last photo, me and a friend at Coachella 2010. I have no idea what he's doing with his belt and I guess I'm dancing in the back (???) but I loved the vintage feel to the photo. It was taken with a disposable Kodak camera, and I had no idea they took such kick-ass photos. Definitely bringing one to Coachella this year. 

Also, a picture of Lana Del Rey at her free Amoeba show last Tuesday. I gotta say, I was sorely disappointed with the performance. Long story short, awkward stage presence, weak vocals and a disgustingly plain outfit (she's made out to look like a retro, pin-up-esque model) made it disappointing. I was expecting her to be a little more vibrant or eccentric (I wasn't expecting Karen O, but at least a little Florence), but then again, after the awful SNL performance, I was expecting a bit much. I will, however, catch her on her next tour. Maybe she just needs a little more experience (and style advice).

Song of the Day: "Those Little Things" by Carla Bruni

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