Monday, February 20

Muse Monday: The Plastiscines


This weeks Muse (or Muses) is the all girl French rock band the Plastiscines. Personally I love this band and I have from the very beginning. They got their start to indie fame when the editor-in-chief of Nylon magazine Marvin Scott Jarrett found the band and started constantly featuring them in the magazine and on Nylon's website back in 2006. When Jarrett decided to start a record label under the Nylon name, he signed the Plastiscines as their first act. This gave the band more attention and their songs became constant background music in the show Gossip Girl as well as even performing their song "Bitch" on an episode. Their single "Barcelona" was also Single of The Week on iTunes back in 2010. Although they have only released two albums and no new songs have been released since 2010, I can't wait for the band to release a new album and start touring again.

Song of the Day: "Barcelona" by the Plastiscines

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